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55 Main St. P.O. Box 301
Laurens, NY 13796

Phone: 607-432-2050
Fax: 607-432-4388
View Laurens Central School
School Connects Alert System
Keeping parents informed and involved helps to assure student safety and improve student success. With today’s on-the-go lifestyles, it has become more difficult for schools to reach families quickly and effectively. This is why our school has decided to implement a system called School Connects for Schools.
School Connects for Schools is an essential tool for notification and communication. Within minutes of an emergency, school officials can use School Connects to deliver a single, clear message to the students’ parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, e-mail, pager or PDA in any combination. School Connects can also be used to notify you of a school closing due to inclement weather. It’s an equally effective way to keep you informed of everyday activities, such as event times and locations as well as schedule changes. 
School Connects is internet based, allowing each family to maintain a secure, password protected online profile. Maintaining the accuracy of your profile will increase the ability of the school to keep you informed.
We encourage all of you to take advantage of this opportunity, as we will be utilizing this system for most of our school-to-home communication.
If you need assistance, please contact Steven West at the school at 432-2050 EXT. 1160. Be sure to set your e-mail spam filter to receive e-mail from School Connects. We hope you enjoy this new service!
Steven West
Parents of Incoming Students
Parents of Incoming Students
Please provide the following information so we can add your contact information in case of emergencies, snow days, etc. 

Students Name
Date of Birth
1st Parent/Guardian Name
Home Phone
2nd Parent/Guardian Name
Home Phone
Grade Entering

Your Name:
Your Email:

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Laurens Central School
Address: 55 Main St P.O. Box 301, Laurens, NY 13796     •      Phone: 607-432-2050     •      Fax: 607-432-4388     •      © 2024. School CMS Created by eSchoolView