When should I keep my child home from school?
Sometimes it can be difficult for a parent to decide whether to send children to school when they wake up with early symptoms of an illness or complaints that they do not feel well. In general, during cold and flu season, unless your child is significantly ill, the best place for them is in school where they have all already been exposed to the same germs and where they are less likely to expose other more vulnerable people, like the very young or very old, to their routine bouts of cold and flu. Remind and show your children to discard used tissues promptly, not to share personal items, to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, to keep their hands away from their face, and to wash hands thoroughly and often with soap and warm water. Suggest that they silently sing the Happy Birthday song twice while washing their hands. However, there are some situations in which it is best to plan on keeping your child home for a day to rest or to arrange for an appointment with your health care provider. The following are a few such situations that warrant watching and possibly conferring with your health care provider:
* Persistent fever greater than 100 degrees orally, including a fever that requires control with medication, like Tylenol
* Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
* Child is too sleepy or ill from an illness to profit from sitting in class all day
* Significant cough that makes a child feel uncomfortable or disrupts the class
* Sore throat that is severe, accompanied by fever and/or feeling ill, that persists longer than 48 hours, OR after known exposure to a confirmed case of strep throat
* Honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth or rash on other body parts that might be impetigo: or accompanied with other symptoms such as a fever
* Red, runny eyes that distract the child from learning
* Large amount of discolored nasal discharge, especially if accompanied by facial pain or fever
* Severe ear pain or drainage from the ear
* Severe headache, especially if accompanied by fever
* Any condition that you think may be serious or contagious to others.
Whenever there is an outbreak of a reportable; (to NYS Department of Health) contagious infection, the school sends out a notice to alert you to watch out for any symptoms. If your child starts to develop symptoms, it is important that you alert your own health care provider that your child had possible exposure. Be sure to ask your provider when it is safe for your child to return to school, both for your child's health and for the health of the rest of the school. If you send your child to school even though you suspect there is significant illness as described above, please call the school nurse to provide her/him with phone numbers where you can be reached that day should your child become more ill and require early dismissal.
Finally, if you know your child is still running a fever, it is not a good idea simply to give them Tylenol and send them onto school because as soon as the medicine wears off, you are apt to get the dreaded call from the school nurse to leave work and come to pick up your feverish child. It is better to let them stay home in bed with a fever and take their medications at home until they are off all medicines and ready to learn for a full day in a classroom. If you find a pattern of your child's asking to stay home from school, especially if they are falling behind or appear anxious by the thought of attending school, or if there does not appear to be any obvious physical symptoms, it may be a good idea to contact your child's teacher, the school nurse and your health care provider to discuss your concerns. Remember, whenever you keep your child home from school, please call the school nurse or attendance office in advance of the start of the school day and leave a message that your child will be absent.
What should I do if my child will be late or absent from school?
Attendance is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It's difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if students are frequently absent. We also need to be aware of where students are for their safety, and our school aid is dependent on student attendance. Please call us if your child will be late, leaving early, or absent from school. A student must have a written excuse for any time missed from school. Missed time will otherwise be recorded as an illegal absence. If a student participates in extracurricular activities, any time missed from school that day must have an official document (i.e. note from doctor, court, etc.) presented in order to be able to participate that day.
Changes in Physical Exam Requirements
As of July 1, 2018 New York State law requires a health examination for all students entering the school district for the first time and when entering Pre-K
or K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th , and 11th grade.
The examination must be completed by a New York State licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner and on the approved NYSED Student Health Examination Form for School.
A dental certificate which states your
child has been seen by a dentist or dental hygienist is also asked for at the same
time. The school will provide you with a
list of dentists and registered dental hygienists who offer dental services on
a free or reduced cost basis if you ask for it.
= A
copy of the health examination must be provided to the school within 30 days from
when your child first starts at the school, and when your child starts K , 1st , 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, & 11th grades. If a copy is not given to the school within 30 days, the school will contact you.
= If
your child has an appointment for an exam during this school year that is after
the first 30 days of school, please notify the Health Office with the date.
= For
your convenience, a physical exam form and dental certificate for your health
care providers is enclosed.
= Communication between private and school health staff is important for safe and effective care at school. Your healthcare provider may not share health information with school health staff without your signed permission. Please talk to your provider about signing their consent form for the school at the time of your child’s appointment for the examination.
We suggest you make copies of the completed forms for your own records before sending them to the school health office. Forms may also be faxed to the number below.
Which immunizations are required?
See "Documents" in right hand column.
If your child needs an immunization, contact your primary healthcare provider or Otsego County Health Department at 607-547-4230. If your child is enrolled at HealthZone (our school based Healthcare Provider), he/she may receive immunizations at school. Please contact the HealthZone at 607-432-2050 ext. 1300.