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55 Main St. P.O. Box 301
Laurens, NY 13796

Phone: 607-432-2050
Fax: 607-432-4388
View Laurens Central School

Our Counselors...

Ross Gardner, School Counselor

Tori Munro, Secretary to the School Counselors/Registrar

Important Dates & Information

Wednesday, 12/21-- Financial Aid Information Meeting for Parents-7pm in the Distance Learning (DL) Room

Juniors, Seniors, and their families are invited to learn more about applying for financial aid and scholarships for college. 

Helpful Websites for Seniors and Their Parents

www.fsaid.ed.gov – The place to start when applying for financial aid!  All student borrowers and one parent must obtain an ID prior to completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Financial Aid) application.

www.fafsa.gov – Complete the FAFSA online.  Link to NYS TAP application as well.

www.hesc.ny.gov – If applying to colleges in New York State, the student must apply for a TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) ID prior to completing the TAP financial aid application.  This site also has many helpful tools, such as a financial aid award comparison tool and information on NYS scholarships and grants.

www.studentaid.ed.gov - From the US Dept. of Education.  Information on the entire financial aid process. 

www.studentloans.gov - The site you use to complete required loan entrance counseling and to sign your loan promissory notes. 

www.collegescorecard.ed.gov – Also from the US Dept. of Education.  Newly redesigned and extremely valuable statistics on every college/university in the US.  Discover things like: average annual cost by family income, graduation and retention rates, earnings after attending and the ethnic diversity at the institution.

www.colleges.niche.com – Search for colleges and scholarships, compare colleges based on rankings, and learn what your chances are of admission to colleges. Read what current students are saying about their school.

www.collegecost.ed.gov/netpricecenter.aspx – US Dept. of Education’s Net Price Calculator Center.

www.chegg.com – Easy to use site with great info on colleges and scholarships.

www.finaid.org – Scholarship clearinghouse site with info on the financial aid process.

www.goodcall.com/scholarships - Search for scholarships based on: entry difficulty, competition level, days left to apply, etc…  

Financial Aid & Scholarships

The guidance office has a variety of information on financial aid and scholarships.  Stop in to peruse our scholarship folder!          
 Check out these websites for additional scholarship and financial aid information:

Common Application and SUNY Application Information for Seniors

 Below are 3 links to help you prepare, submit and troubleshoot any issues regarding your Common Application.  You should first check to see if the colleges you will apply to, accept the Common App.  If applying to all private or a mix of private and SUNY schools, the Common App is what you should use. 
https://www.commonapp.org/ready - Link to articles for students and parents on everything you need to know to prepare for working on your Common Application.
 http://www.commonapp.org - The Common Application.  You will need to set up an account first.  Keep your password in a safe place!
 https://appsupport.commonapp.org/applicantsupport/s/ - Link for their solutions center.  All sorts of helpful information and troubleshooting support.
 If you are only applying to SUNY colleges, then the SUNY application is what you should use.  The link for the SUNY App is:  www.suny.edu/attend
If applying to Community Colleges, most offer a FREE application on their website.  Start there first!
If you receive free or reduced lunch, you are eligible for application fee waivers (to apply to colleges for free).  Please see Mrs. Sider about this before you apply.

Excelsior Scholarship & Enhanced Tuition Award

Seniors may now apply for the Excelsior Scholarship (for SUNY colleges) or the Enhanced Tuition Award (for private colleges in NYS).  Please visit www.hesc.ny.gov/excelsior or www.hesc.ny.gov to find more information about these programs and for online applications.
This document contains direct web links for parents to access on all types of social emotional learning - from mindfulness, yoga, emotional regulation, coping skills, etc... We hope you find them useful!
School Counseling Events
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Laurens Central School
Address: 55 Main St P.O. Box 301, Laurens, NY 13796     •      Phone: 607-432-2050     •      Fax: 607-432-4388     •      © 2025. School CMS Created by eSchoolView